What is a Balance Board?

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A person’s balance can be affected by a myriad of different reasons. Old age, a neurological disorder, taking a particular medication, post-surgery complications, the lasting effects from an accident, the list goes on. However, balance is an integral part of a healthy life, and helps avoid falls and further, potentially more serious, injury. 

Training is the only way to improve general balance, and several exercises can be used. However, a balance board is one of the most popular methods of recent times.

What is a Balance Board?

As the name suggests, a balance board is a board that you stand on and use to complete various exercises. The panel isn’t flat to the ground and moves around slightly. As a result, the person using the board will need to engage their core muscles and work on their balance to stay upright and complete the assigned home exercise routine they’ve been given. 

Balance boards, such as the interactive versions used by Bobo Balance, are a fun way to regain balance. Smart balance boards are ideal for those who have suffered a problem or are suffering from a condition and want to train to increase their balance quality. 

How Does the Balance Board Like Bobo Home Work?

Balance boards have been used for years, even in circus training, but these days the boards have developed to more technological standards. Smart balance boards can be used alongside a TV training program, downloaded to suit the individual’s needs. Exercises can then be followed at home, using the screen’s guidance to learn how to carry out the activities correctly. 

The balance board is raised slightly from the ground, either on a softball, a small platform, or another way to ensure that the board moves around slightly when you stand on it. When using the exercises correctly, it is possible to improve balance beyond measure over time.

Bobo Balance has taken rehabilitation a step further and has designed a balance board that can be used for telerehabilitation. That means clinicians can monitor progress and performance, as the board records data that can be analyzed later or in real-time. From there, changes to the rehabilitation program can be made, without any time wasted. 

For younger patients requiring help with balance, smart balance boards can be used alongside a game, helping to make improving their balance more fun.

What Can a Balancing Board be Used For?

Balance boards can even be used for recreational fun and don’t always have to be due to a medical problem. These are being used more and more for the elderly, in a bid to reduce age-related falls and associated injuries. Also, balance boards are used for brain development, occupational therapy, and physiotherapy following surgery or an accident. 

More and more, balance boards are being used to help prevent falls. As we mentioned earlier, the elderly are at a greater risk of falling and suffering a significant injury. By working on strengthening balance, these falls are far less likely to occur. 

Studies have shown this to be accurate. The regular use of balance boards shows a decrease in the prevalence of falls in the elderly and those at risk. As a result, the continued use of a balance board could be a great way to prevent more severe injuries in the future and relieve the burden of hospital beds. Many older people are hospitalized as a result of falls, often with fractured hips and other damages. Improving balance and therefore reducing the chance of a fall relieves this pressure and benefits everyone. 

Final Thoughts

Balance boards are a fun and sometimes interactive way to improve balance, either recreationally or as a result of a condition or injury that has been sustained. 

Through the continued use of specific exercises performed on the board, it is entirely possible to increase balance capacity slowly and, therefore, reduce the likelihood of falls and other injuries resulting from low balance. These boards are often either prescribed by a doctor or done in time with a recorded exercise program on the TV.

That in itself could help to relieve the demand for hospital beds, especially during the winter months. Also, balance boards increase not only balance but also flexibility and, in the end, confidence. As individuals learn to improve their credit, they will feel more confident and assured as they move around. That, in turn, reduces the chances of a fall or other injury due to reduced balance. 

The more a balance board is used, the more benefit it will have for the individual, and the lower the chances of a problem occurring as a result of low balance capacity.


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The Bobo ecosystem is changing how physiotherapists and occupational therapists approach treatment. By combining advanced technology with familiar equipment like balance boards and hand-held dice,

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